
Emily Jacobson works as a paper conservator at the Freer and Sackler. In this video, Emily explains how to study and conserve gold used in Islamic manuscripts, such as Qur'ans found in our…

For years an invisible culprit has been eating away at one of the most famous paintings in the world.…

A look 'beneath' Titian's canvases reveals the tweaks and changes he made as he worked over four hundred years ago. Find out more with Restorer Jill Dunkerton.
How can a museum attempt to conserve a performance? Join members of Tate’s Time-Based Media Conservation team, curators and researchers from Tate’s Reshaping the Collectible Research team as they…
At 355 years old, Johannes Vermeer's iconic Girl with a Pearl Earring still has secrets to reveal.
How artists, collectors, curators and museums value memory.
Through new technology, conservators at the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum are leading a charge to preserve the deteriorating canvases of some the 20th century's greatest paintings.
The Allentown Art Museum is reporting that their Portrait of a Young Woman (1632), long attributed to the workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn, is, in fact, a true Rembrandt.