Outside the Denver Art Museum (DAM), a banner…
black artists
Ranked as one of the best Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in America, …
The drop-down title poem by June Jordan begins with, “these poems/ they are things that I do/ in the dark/ reaching for you/ whoever you are/ and/ are you ready?” The sentiment…
In the preface to her groundbreaking book, All…
This slideshow is dedicated to black, contemporary artists that we believe our readers should know more about. The artworks highlighted here span drawing, painting, quilting, and sculptural practice.
African American artists have contributed to this nation’s cultural landscape throughout its history. From colonial to modern times, realistic portraiture to striking abstractions, here we …
Hilton Als is many things: author, curator, critic, teacher, and winner of many awards including the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Art & Object spoke to Als about his…