
A cast of Camille Claudel’s masterpiece, The Age of Maturity (1894), has recently been found in a vacant Paris apartment and is suspected to fetch between $1.…

Art Encounter, a father-son art gallery based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, has been tasked with the sale of a bronze cast of

Founded in 1913 “for the benefit of all the people forever,” the 

Stuart Handler’s immense success in commercial real estate and his subsequent philanthropy made such a colossal impact that the University of Illinois-Chicago named its real estate…

In a perfectly paired yin-yang juxtaposition of exhibitions, two artists—Ana María Hernando and Yoshitomo Saito—show works inspired by nature, yet rendered in extremely different media.…
The cloud’s chimeric quality is even more salient in Chinese visual and material arts. It has made a palpable mark on theories of painting and the visual arts of China, and by extension the visual…

2500 years ago, China was fractured into competing aristocratic states vying for supreme control. Warfare hastened cultural exchange and ultimately gave rise to a unique visual language across the…

On a Bank Holiday Sunday in August 2017 two metal detectorists, with a combined 40 years’ experience, stumbled across one of the most intriguing hoards of Roman artefacts to be discovered in Britain…
Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace