At Large  December 3, 2024  Megan D Robinson

The History of Santa Claus: Tracing the Evolution of a Beloved Icon

Author: chandra
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Santa Claus hasn’t always been the jolly, red-suited, grandfatherly gift-giver with a reindeer-drawn sleigh we all know and love. Depictions of Santa have evolved over time, influenced by stories and legends about St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas, and Father Christmas, and perpetuated by centuries of gift cards, stories, advertisements, posters, and movies. Here’s a look at how art has reflected the changing face (and waistline) of Santa over time.

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Saint Nicholas of Myra
Saint Nicholas of Myra

Now firmly his own mythological figure, Santa was originally inspired by the fourth century Greek bishop, Saint Nicholas of Myra, a man renowned for his generosity and kindness. One of the most popular of his stories involves him anonymously throwing dowry money into the house of three impoverished sisters and having it land in the stockings they had hung out to dry. 

St. Nicholas became the patron of children, and his feast day is celebrated on December 6th. St. Nicholas grew to be the most popular saint of the Renaissance. Even though his veneration was discouraged after the Protestant Reformation, he remains popular.

About the Author

Megan D Robinson

Megan D Robinson writes for Art & Object and the Iowa Source.