At Large  July 17, 2020  Chandra Noyes

Great Works of Art from Troubled Times

Author: chandra

Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937.

As the world seems to shift and change around us in new and frightening ways every day, many of us seek solace in the arts. From great music to television, movies, and the fine arts, art can be a distraction and balm in troubled times.

Throughout history, cultures and artists have faced upheavals and catastrophes and reflected them through their work. Here we look at ten great works of art created in uncertain times.

Though some of these works show people and cultures in crisis, they also show us the power of the arts to get us through. As artists interpret our times, they help us come to terms with and understand what is happening around us, while giving future generations a window into our experiences. Now is a great time to take comfort in the arts, whether they represent good times or darker days, and remember that humanity has faced catastrophe before, and made it through.

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Hans Holbein woodblock print of a woman being dragged away by a skeleton
1. The Dance of Death

The Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, is perhaps the most famous plague of them all, having killed 50 million people around the world beginning in the 14th century. The Danse Macabre, or Dance of Death became a common theme in the art. The ever-presence and unpredictability of death was a fact of life, represented by skeletons looming nearby, particularly in religious art. The popularity of Hans Holbein the Younger's (1497–1543) Dance of Death shows how relatable these themes were. The book, containing forty-one woodcut prints first drawn in 1526, shows death in a variety of guises coming for people of all walks of life, even the pious, such as the Abbess seen here.

About the Author

Chandra Noyes

Chandra Noyes is the former Managing Editor for Art & Object.