At Large  August 31, 2021  Art & Object Staff

The 5 Best Art Schools in the Midwest

Author: chandra

In today's world, professionals versed in art and design are in high demand, particularly those who can use their skills in both the fine arts and commercial worlds. Those looking to embark on a career in the arts have a huge range of options for their training and education. Once again, Art & Object delves into the top art schools and programs in the U.S. From public universities with state-of-the-art studios to solely arts-focused colleges with flourishing overseas programs, this list runs the gamut. With this list, we are looking at the Midwest.

The top-tier art programs of the Midwest tend to be relatively small, private art and design schools. The average student body size for this top five is 2,810.2 and the median is 1,093. Many of these institutions feature programs in which students can get incredibly specific with their studies. Alumni networks seem tightly-knit and, in many instances, woven into the communities surrounding these schools.

Individuals looking to choose from a variety of arts-focused schools would do well to look to this region. And there are many other perks. From campuses that take a multifaceted approach to prioritizing wellness and sleep to schools with as many as thirteen distinct studio art departments, the top Midwest art schools offer students a wide range of educational environments and experiences.

While one doesn’t traditionally associate bustling urban hubs of arts and culture with the Midwest, the area is home to Chicago, Detroit, the Twin Cities, and St. Louis, just to name a few.

To determine its final rankings, Art & Object's editorial staff weighed the following factors: degree and curriculum variety, quality of school museums, school renown, tuition cost (undergraduate, graduate, etc. if applicable), employment rate, graduation rate, internship opportunities, student body diversity*, surrounding art scene, cultural opportunities, and student statements. While Art & Object has strived to craft a list in the most objective manner possible, we recognize that measures of "best" could include many other factors. With that said, here are the Art & Object selections of the best art schools in the Midwest.

You can find our rankings for the Southeast, Northeast, Southwest, and West here.

*Editor’s Note: LGBTQ+ individuals may not always be accurately represented in gender data reported by institutions and organizations.
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the word "design" in large red letters runs up the corner of a building toward the bright blue sky
5. Columbus College of Art and Design


Founded in 1879, the Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) offers eighteen minors, fourteen concentrations, and twelve undergraduate degrees ranging from Fine Arts to Comics and Narrative Practice. The school’s programs in Animation, Design, Illustration, and Fashion are all highly recognized or award-winning.

CCAD and its faculty are uniquely dedicated to fostering a campus culture of ‘Healthy Creativity.’ This is achieved by placing a unique emphasis on the importance of sleep, holding digital detox days, and so on.

Tuition at CCAD is approximately $36,500 for both undergraduate and graduate students, making it the most affordable school of this list. According to data from 2016—the most recent data available—CCAD’s student body is 64 percent white, 68 percent female, and 7 percent international, making it one of the least diverse schools on this particular list.

The city of Columbus is home to the country’s number one library system as well as to a standout zoo and aquarium. Each year the school hosts a juried Art Fair where student and alumni work is sold. At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, the fair was held virtually. Though this was done out of necessity it led to great success—with sales reaching consumers across the nation.

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