The large Baroque painting of the baby Moses being found amongst the reeds has hung in the National Gallery, London for nearly twenty years. Unmissable at nearly ten feet wide with figures clad in vibrantly hued robes, with dramatic lighting and subject matter, the painting has been an attraction that many assumed was part of the museum’s collection.
Art News
PAMM To Possess Fourth-Largest Holding of Christo’s Work in the United States
Usually, this many bugs in an art museum would result in an urgent call to the exterminator. But when Canadian artist Jennifer Angus is in town, an infestation becomes a thing of incredible beauty.
The Detroit Institute of Arts invites visitors to experience an exhibition that explores how science and technology is used to learn about art.
In four new, large-scale mixed-media works composed of a wide range of found materials, Aaron Fowler references the personal, political, and cultural.
The Art History Babes are hanging with dear friend and art historian Derek Zhang to talk the history and mystery of Chinese calligraphy!
Widely considered to be one of the most important figurative painters working today, Yiadom-Boakye is celebrated for her enigmatic oil paintings of human subjects who are entirely imagined by the artist.
The current exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, Scotland’s Photograph Album: The MacKinnon Collection, showcases the infinite, multiform beauty of Scotland, its people and traditions.
Haring painted the work in 1986, eight years later it disappeared behind a metal facade.
Art collector Mera Rubell insists her family didn’t set out to open a museum when it bought a series of food warehouses in Miami’s Allapattah neighborhood four years ago.