Sarah Bochicchio

In the exhibition Elligible/Illegible at PS122, curators Francisco Donoso and danilo machado explore the complex process of immigration for children applying for the Deferred Action for Childhood…
Instagram, shop windows, and street style all shout that the 2000s are back: baggy low-rise jeans, baguette-style purses, paisley halter tops. But what happens when the decade in vogue is neither new…

Salon Art + Design has, over the last decade, become an unmissable event on the fall arts calendar. Now in its eleventh edition, Salon returns…

Long overlooked, the sisters—Anna, Elisabeth (Lies), and Willemien (Wil)—are now the subjects of a book, The Van Gogh Sisters by Van Gogh scholar Willem-Jan Verlinden.
April Bey’s practice is grounded in the fundamental truth that systems and attitudes don’t need to be the way they are. Through both her striking aesthetic and her conceptual approach, Bey breaks…
eL Seed's multimedia work combines elements of painting, sculpture, and writing. After long periods of research, he introduces text-forward art installations in different communities, using language…
Nujoom Al-Ghanem is, unquestionably, one of the pioneering artists of the UAE. She began her career as a poet and journalist, and she has since moved into multiple other mediums; she has published…
Maitha Abdalla’s oeuvre lives somewhere between the surreal world of dreams, the theatrical world of performance, and the very real cultural signifiers found within her daily life. Pulling…
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