Portland, OR

For nearly four decades, Joan Nelson has been reverently and subversively painting landscapes.
Drawn from the Portland Art Museum’s permanent collection and important private collections, this exhibition of the the Joryū Hanga Kyōkai unearths a critical, dynamic, and understudied episode of…

Featuring Selections from

Choice Furnishings, Decorative Items & Collectibles
from Local Estates & Private…

Featuring 100 paintings and drawings from the collection of the Richard Diebenkorn Foundation, Richard Diebenkorn: Beginnings, 1942–1955 traces the Portland-born artist’s…

Representing: Vernacular Photographs of, by, and for African Americans brings together studio portraits from an important North Portland family album, vernacular snapshots, and…

The Wyeths are one of America’s foremost artistic families. Their work has captured the admiration of audiences for three generations, spanning the golden age of illustration to mid-century…

"Long before co-founding Aperture magazine or establishing the groundbreaking photography program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, renowned modernist photographer Minor…

James McNeill Whistler ranks as one of the foremost masters of etching. Much influenced by the prints of Rembrandt, whom he considered “the high priest of art,” Whistler brought to the medium a…

Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace