
Problems of gender inequity have plagued academia since its inception with women being discouraged or outright barred from learning and practicing different

With the opening of the exhibition, Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe: 1400-1800, at the Baltimore Museum of Art, featuring the work of groundbreaking women artists across four…

For the past two years, the Smithsonian has been working to gather support from donors on a proposed American Women’s History Museum. Last week, the Smithsonian…

Long overlooked, the sisters—Anna, Elisabeth (Lies), and Willemien (Wil)—are now the subjects of a book, The Van Gogh Sisters by Van Gogh scholar Willem-Jan Verlinden.
The exhibition highlights the popularity of the cartes de visite in American society of the early 1860s and how becoming a carte de visite meant being famous, or at least, worthy of collection. Women…


A global phenomenon, the New Woman was a symbol of female empowerment based on real women making revolutionary changes in life and art. Meet eight pathbreaking women photographers,…

This self-portrait, exhibited in Paris in 1895, came with a caption from an unnamed male art critic noting that “this woman” often had critics assume the work had been painted by a man, because no…
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