
All employed by LIFE magazine, these women—six of the most important photographers of the past century—contributed to the development of modern photojournalism between the 1930s and the early…
As the British-Australian photographer Tim Page confirmed during an interview in 2019: “Vietnam was the first and last war with no censorship.”For some photographers, the search for gory and violent…
The end of WWI left the world in a tense political situation that soon generated new ambitions and rivalries. In Europe, the feelings of humiliation, together with political and economic instability…
Many countries decided to impose very strict regulations on the press in order to limit, or completely prevent, the circulation of negative accounts. Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of War,…
During his career, Fenton achieved many things including the founding of the Royal Photographic Society. Yet, his worldwide fame and recognition as the first war photoreporter comes from the images…
In his latest book, That Which is Unseen, Panjiar takes us across almost four decades of Indian history and proves to be one of the most fascinating figures in contemporary photojournalism.
Robert Doisneau, born in 1912 in Gentilly, became an amateur photographer at the age of sixteen. Throughout life, he was able to create and record a world full of wonder and possibilities, a state of…
These incredible images, representing the best in photojournalism from around the world, are stunning for their technical and artistic skill, as well as the stories they tell.
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