
Rachel Smythe’s insanely popular webcomic now turned graphic novel (and future Netflix animated series), Lore Olympus, is a recent iteration of this trend – one that combines both the art of…
Disney’s Oscar-winning Encanto has been widely praised for what many have described as an unprecedented degree of well-executed, even poignant, representation. It seems this feat would not have been…
This will be the first-ever exhibition at The Met to explore the work of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ hand-drawn animation. It will examine Walt Disney’s personal fascination with European art and…
An exercise in world-building that’s as dense as Life After B.O.B. can only be retold in the broadest of stokes, so your mileage sitting through it may vary depending on your attention span. Still,…
After numerous delays due to COVID and personnel changes, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures finally opened on September 30 after a weeklong lead-up that included a gala, an opening night party…
The technology employed to make the Space Jam films is unrecognizable when compared to the original systems used to integrate live-action and animation. Still, these processes are all part of one…
Using matches to represent people, this California-based visual artist has gone viral with his video illustrating the importance of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. As…
Storyworld, a new Dutch museum for comics, animation and games, opened its doors on January 11 with the aim to embody the crumbling division between fine art and visual storytelling.