At Large  April 21, 2022  Danielle Vander Horst

10 Famous Ownership Disputes Over Cultural Artifacts

Author: anna
Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Joy of Museums. 

Installation view of Benin Bronzes at the British Museum.

Who owns the past? This question has been asked for centuries and yet we still have no good answers. 

Humans have been engaging in the looting, sale, and destruction of each other’s cultural objects for millennia. Look no further than the elite homes and gardens of Rome to see early precedents of this, littered as they were with statues, paintings, and other fine art objects taken from the conquered cities of Greece. 

Although cultural thievery on a scale such as that practiced by the Romans does not occur as openly today, there is a dark underbelly to every museum and auction house that hides the tales of untold atrocities. And though many of these cases occurred decades, or even centuries, ago the repercussions of stolen cultural artifacts are still felt keenly within the modern nation state. 

The Parthenon Marbles and Greece’s quest for their restitution is perhaps one of the most famous instances of such a thing, with the marbles now becoming a part of two different and diametrically opposed national identities. This list presents ten other such cases, some resolved, some not, of cultural objects of dubious legality, where they came from, where they are now, and who wants them. 

The “big diadem” from Hissarlik, Turkey. Made of solid gold, ca. 2400-2200 BCE. 50.8 cm in length, 26 cm across. Pushkin Museum, Moscow.
Priam’s Treasure (Turkey)
Status: Unresolved. Where is it? The Pushkin Museum, majority (Moscow, Russia); Istanbul Archaeological Museum, partial (Istanbul, Turkey).

Priam’s Treasure is a cache of gold and other valuables discovered by Heinrich Schliemann and Frank Calvert at the site of Hissarlik (Troy) in modern-day Turkey between 1871-1879. 

Believing he had discovered Homer’s Troy, Schliemann conducted extensive excavations of dubious quality at the site in search of finds to support his claims, destroying much information in the process. Schliemann did not seek the proper authorization from the Ottoman government to remove the gold but, with the classic audacity of a nineteenth-century antiquarian, he did it anyway. The authorities discovered the removal of the objects as Schliemann was known to have his wife, Sophia, model the fine gold jewelry for the public. 

The Ottoman government subsequently threatened to sue Schliemann and revoke his rights to dig at Hissarlik, but to no immediate effect. Eventually, Schliemann did return some of the treasure for permission to continue his work, however, the rest was acquired in 1881 by the Königliche Museen zu Berlin where it would remain until 1945. During the Battle in Berlin at the end of WWII, the treasure was secretly taken by the Soviet Army back to Russia at which time it was declared missing. It wasn’t until 1994 that the Pushkin Museum admitted to having the treasures. The museum had just opened an exhibit with them, claiming that, by Russian law, the treasures were war reparations against Germany and that they had no intention of returning the items either to Germany or Turkey.

About the Author

Danielle Vander Horst

Dani is a freelance artist, writer, and archaeologist. Her research specialty focuses on religion in the Roman Northwest, but she has formal training more broadly in Roman art, architecture, materiality, and history. Her other interests lie in archaeological theory and public education/reception of the ancient world. She holds multiple degrees in Classical Archaeology from the University of Rochester, Cornell University, and Duke University.