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SPRING/BREAK is the youngest, funnest, more affordable and most claustrophobic of the Armory Week fairs.
On a sunny spring-like day, amid growing concerns over the spread of COVID-19 and resulting omnipresence of hand sanitizer pump bottles, The Armory Show successfully kicked off The Armory Week, the annual cluster of New York art fairs running from March 4–9. Known to many as the “essential New York art fair,” The Armory Show returns to Manhattan’s Piers 90 and 94 on March 5, featuring 183 galleries from 32 countries as well as 33 first-time exhibitors.
Combining elements of photography, sculpture, frottage, ink, and graphite drawings, Nate Lewis’ intricately carved works on paper reflect his experience as a critical-care nurse and challenge perspectives on race and history.
In the early-to-mid 20th century, ballet was the art form that connected artists and intellectuals across disciplines, intertwining high-culture, glamour, and working-class aspirations.
The intimacy of the gallery space at 57 Orchard creates the perfect context for Jacotey’s work, which always makes the viewer want to get a bit closer.
Corrie and Nat discuss the Bayeux Tapestry which, spoiler alert: is not even really a tapestry! Listen to this Art History Babe Brief to learn more about this unique depiction of the Norman Conquest and to learn exactly how many animals are on the embroidered cloth.
Conspiracy theorists are citing Georgia O’Keeffe as an example of the so-called Mandela Effect.
NEW YORK (NY): The New York International Antiquarian Book Fair (NYIABF)—officially sanctioned by Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA) and International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) and produced by Sanford L. Smith + Associates—is proud to celebrate its benchmark 60th Anniversary Edition at the Park Avenue Armory from March 5-8, 2020.
The exhibition examining the ways in which Indian dress, aesthetic, and artwork have inspired Western fashion designs from streetwear to couture.
Featuring 72 selected exhibitors from its 180 gallery members in 30 American cities, the annual fair is one of the most anticipated events of the new art season.
Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace