Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute

Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute Museum of Art proudly presents Robert Huot Paintings, a retrospective look at an artist’s core motivation for 60 years, creating conceptually interesting…
A celebration of light and glass, Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Driehaus Collection on view through September 8 at Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute Museum of Art, features…
Journey into the dark realm of vision, nightmare, and dream with Mysterious, Marvelous, Malevolent: The Art of Elihu Vedder, April 5 through December 29 in the Museum of Art, Munson-Williams-…
Pictures of people, farms, and the striking landscapes of Central New York populate “Tommy Brown: Upstate,” on view through April 7 in the Museum of Art, Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, Utica…
Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace