Rachel Ozerkevich

From honorary sculptures that celebrate athletic valor, to Realist portraits that humanize individual team members, to Abstract prints that raise uncomfortable questions about violence and pain, the…
Addressing Vorticism requires facing a troubling period of political history head-on, something many historians have been reticent to do. Nevertheless, it is important to analyze the evolution and…
What is a monument? Is it the same thing as a memorial? We might think of a monument as something accessible with which we can interact in a way that suits our need to process traumatic past events.…
Orphism seemed to stem from Cubism, in part, because it shared the desire to break down solid objects and challenge human perceptions of time, space, and volume. And yet, this “offshoot” of Cubism…
Due to associations with creativity, craftsmanship, and pleasure, wine is often closely aligned with art and consumers often pay good money to enjoy both. These wineries—from Northern California to…
Hockey is inarguably a violent game, one that periodically provokes violent spectator responses. But it is a community rallying point that can still foster a sense of belonging in players and fans.…
Illinois-born dancer Loïe Fuller (1862-1928) took Paris by storm in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She was famous throughout both North America and Europe for her groundbreaking…
In 1958, Robert Rauschenberg began a difficult series of illustrations of Dante Alighieri’s fourteenth-century poem Inferno. The thirty-four mixed-media images foreground the process of their…
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