About The Artist
A French-born Los Angeles-based street artist, Thierry Guetta, better known as "Mr. Brainwash." Guetta was a proprietor of a used clothing store and amateur videographer who was first introduced to street art by his cousin, Invader and street artists throughout the 2000s, becoming an artist in his own right based on an off handed comment from Banksy, as shown in the 2010 film "Exit Through the Gift Shop." Mr. Brainwash had his first solo show, "Life is Beautiful" in 2008 and was featured as a cover story for LA Weekly. Since then, he has had many high profile shows both in the US and abroad. He has collaborated on projects with musicians such as Madonna and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Life is Beautiful
Artist: Mr. Brainwash
Materials: Thermal coated durable cast resin
Dimensions: 6" x 9" x 1"
Diamond Girl
Artist: Mr. Brainwash
Materials: Ink on Paper
Dimensions: 23" x 23" x 1"
Songs of Freedom
Artist: Mr. Brainwash
Materials: Ink on Paper
Dimensions: 45" x 45" x 1"
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