About The Artist
Canadian born artist, member of the Canadian Watercolour Society.Dwight Baird has been painting full-time for the last forty-five years.For the last twenty years, Baird has been working in acrylics, developing a newstyle of contemporary realism - mixing broad impressionist brush strokescombined with specific detailed areas in his work. He has produced an extensiveseries of pieces on Cuba, depicting many facets of the daily strugglethroughout the country. These works are not only a dramatic illustration ofthe challenges of urban life but also a historical documentation of a countrystriving for dramatic change - a pictoral record of a time in their historywhich will never be seen again.
High 'n Dry, Prince-Edward Island, 1988
Artist: Dwight Baird
Materials: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 28" x 38" x 1"
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